Advanced Workshop on Transforming Historical Harms: A Narrative Change Approach to Community and Societal Transformation

The IofC US Global Alumni Initiative and the Caux Scholars Program come together to host an advanced online workshop (second series), led by Dr. David Anderson Hooker which interrogates how we can achieve societal transformation. 

 At the heart of it is a focus on the importance of narrative change.  Narratives give meaning to systems and distribute power among groups. Narratives provide the foundation for our understanding both of history and current events, and they inform our basic concepts of identity, community, and belonging. In order to change the societies that we live in, we need to challenge the narratives that uphold power structures in these societies.  In these three sessions, Dr. David Anderson Hooker will review and then build on previous work to concentrate on learning 2 or 3 specific narrative skills and practices.


Language of Instruction: English 

Program Cost: Free of cost for alumni of IofC USA’s programs (Caux Scholars Programs, Community Trustbuilding Fellowship and Narrative Change Collaborative) and those who participated in previous GAIN’s online courses.  Payment information for non-alumni upon request at

Location: Zoom 

Dates: Thursdays, April 15, 22 and 29| 2-hour sessions from 9-11 EST | 15-17 CET |19:30-21:30 IST

Requirement: every participant must watch the recordings from the first webinar prior to attending the course. Certificate of completion will be provided for full attendance

Application Deadline: April 8th, 2021

Global Alumni Initiative